
How To Repair Bleached Spot With Cloth Dye

I'm a silver lining kinda gal that likes to come across the good amidst the negative. It's no joking thing when something you truly adore gets damaged…like your favorite bibs. sniff. I won't say I shed a tear, but I was definitely feeling low that I ruined this pair with bleach. Has that ever happened to you lot? Today, I'm sharing how to fix bleached spots on material with a little ingenuity.

Bleached Bib Dress and How to Fix It | #prodigalpieces #diy #fashion #howto #clothing

Hither's the backstory to my drama. I establish 2 pairs of bib dresses at the austerity store made by Eddie Bauer. They were in like-new condition and made of some of my favorite textiles: one in linen, and this green one is a heavy cotton material. Both are super cozy, beautiful, and perfect for my piece of work-teach-at-domicile cocky.

However, one twenty-four hour period I was doing the wash and was bleaching another item that had received major loving from my kids. I rinsed information technology with make clean water over and over and tossed it in the wash. Plain it withal held some bleach because it got on the back of my bib wearing apparel. Merely envision me pulling information technology out of the dryer in slow motility yelling, "Noooooo…!"

How to Fix Bleached Spots on Clothing and Textiles with Simple Steps by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

You see, I don't often shop for me and concur very few things dear. So when one of them is ruined by my lack of thinking it really irks me. Thankfully though, I'g not a quitter and chose to salvaged what I could of the wearing apparel. I also know I'm not the just one who's run into this situation, so I'm sharing for my Reduce, Reuse, REFASHION serial I have the terminal Thursday of every month.

Reduce, Reuse, REFASHION series hosted by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | Come learn to create for you and your home | #prodigalpieces

LET'Due south Ready IT

Okay, so let's say you have some bleach spots on your clothing (or other textiles you lot don't want to toss). Hither's some ideas that you could hands tackle:

  1. necktie-dye the whole thing to really get groovy with it
  2. sew on an applique or patch
  3. upcycle the item to make something completely new
  4. embroider over the spots
  5. paint over the spots

I could proceed with ideas, but for today's fun I'm going to share how to fix those bleached spots with pigment. Embroidery would be my second choice because I love to hand-stitch, but I also have an embroidery sewing machine.

However, this spot on the back isn't a practiced candidate for the machine embroidery. Plus, I want to show you how you can do this besides in case you're not of the needling mind. To make information technology easier, I have the full video tutorial for you beneath, simply as well outline the steps here.

In my by posts, I've shared how I use freezer newspaper to brand a transfer. This time, I'm using it for one of my favorite methods to stencil on fabric. I've used this technique to make tote numberless, shirts, firewood totes, and and then much more than. It really is easy, affordable, and why I stock freezer paper at all time. A gal's gotta be gear up!

Freezer Paper for Crafts & DIY Stencil |


To become started, make certain you accept these tools & supplies ready to become:

  • freezer paper
  • pattern of choice for stencil
  • X-ACTO Knife
  • cutting mat or similar
  • cloth paint of choice (or acrylic paint with fabric medium added)
  • round sponge castor
  • artist brushes
  • habiliment iron with dry out setting (no steam)
Footstep 1

When choosing what to use every bit a stencil to fix bleached fabric spots, they sky'southward the limit. You lot can trace anything your centre desires: coloring book pages, a printout y'all find online, a stencil…you go the idea. Since my bleached spots are on the back and my dress is a soft green, I chose to apply a flower drawing to trace.

Freezer Paper & Clipart to Make Stencil |

Showtime, I simply trace it onto the paper side of the freezer paper. You lot can either employ a window to trace or this crawly LED tracing pad to do information technology besides. I've purchased these for my kids and they merely love them.

Tracing Stencil on LED Light Pad |


And then, using my X-Acto pocketknife, I cut out the designs, making sure to have cutting mat, cutting board, or chip woods behind my paper. We don't demand countertops getting carved too. eep!

Cutting Freezer Paper Stencil with X-Acto Knife |

Where there is a void spot within the graphic, I brand sure to cutting those out and reserve them to fill in later. The video explains this all-time.

Step 3

Once I have the blueprint as I similar, I employ my iron assail a adequately loftier rut with NO STEAM. Per manufacturer instructions on the textile medium, yous desire to have your garment washed and practice non use fabric softener besides. Atomic number 26 on the freezer newspaper stencil, and don't forge to add together in those voided spots you cutting out earlier.

Ironing on Freezer Paper Stencil | How to Fix Bleached Spots |

STEP four

Next, it'southward time for paint. Yay! Yous tin can either use fabric pigment or an acrylic paint with a fabric medium. Both work perfect for this. Since my dress is a soft green, I wanted to stick to something uncomplicated in color scheme likewise. I chose to use Linen acrylic paint equally the base of operations applied with a sponge castor. Again, the video beneath demonstrates this best.

How to Fix Bleached Spots on Garments with Paint and DIY Stencil |

Equally soon as I stop the paint, I pare off the freezer paper stencil and allow it dry.

Pace 5

While, I could totally stop at this point if I liked, I wanted to add together depth to my daisies. Artist brushes make this fun and easy. Start, I utilize my white to add the daisy petals. Then, I use a Plantation Pine for the stems and leaves, followed by a scrap of Golden Straw applied to the flower centers with a cotton swab.

Painting Daisies over Bleached Spots on Dress | How to Fix Bleached Spots |

Concluding, I utilise a darker brown paint to add depth and dimension to the design. Doesn't that look better than those bleached spots? You can do this to any kind of stain to hide the flaw.

STEP six

Let the pigment dry and then follow the manufacturer instructions on your pigment or cloth medium to finish. My instructions crave to use an ironing cloth (or old towel or cotton material) to iron over the pattern to gear up it.


It's done! My clothes is saved from the landfill or becoming rags. woot! I'yard a happy mama in my comfortable bib dress.

How to Fix Bleached Spots on a Garments | Larissa of Prodigal Pieces shares a step-by-step video tutorial at #prodigalpieces #diy #sewing #fashion #women #crafts

Video Tutorial How to Fix Bleached Spots by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Experience costless to enquire any questions you may have. I'thou truly eager to help. This really is fun and so easy!

As well, pin and share how to ready bleached fabric spots. I know I'm not the only i who has made a corrigendum this fashion or has stains we desire to become buh-good day.

Don't toss those damaged clothes. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces shows you how to fix bleached spots (or stains) with a video tutorial for a DIY stencil | Head to #prodigalpieces #diy #fashion #clothing #women #howto #hacks #crafts

Up next, I'll be taking these two thrift store strays and giving them a new look and purpose. Come run across their fun new purpose in my latest post Hither.

Wooden Animal Cutouts from the Thrift Store |

To get these DIY tips & tricks in your inbox, be certain to sign upwards for my newsletter. PLUS, you will get your FREE Furniture Ownership Checklist and special disbelieve to my shop. Until next time!

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More handy DIY's like how to fix bleached spots:

Got a stash of old belts? Join Larissa of Prodigal Pieces as she creates farmhouse style decor with upcycled belts and thrift store finds | Video tutorial at Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces #diy #farmhouse #home #homedecor #fashion DIY Messenger Bag with Graphics Fairy Applique by Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces


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