
15 Best Linux Games for 2022 [Free and Paid]

In 2020, it feels similar Linux gaming has finally arrived. I say this because you can now truly play a number of AAA championship games on Linux which were exclusively bachelor on Windows earlier. From popular games like The Witcher to Stardew Valley, all of them are now bachelor on Linux systems either by direct porting or through a compatibility layer. Then if you are wondering what new games yous tin play on Linux, well nosotros take selected the fifteen best Linux games that are available right now. We have advisedly chosen the games which perform really well on many Linux distros and do non exhibit any graphics effect. We have also mentioned some of the pop open-source games at the end and so that you can bask some of the best native games on your Linux motorcar. Now having said all of that, let'southward go ahead and learn about Linux gaming in particular.

State of Linux Gaming in 2020

Before moving to the listing, I want to shed some lite on the state of Linux gaming in 2020. Equally of now, Linux has improved by leaps and premises in the desktop gaming segment. Information technology's largely because many large gaming studios are now developing games with Vulkan API to brand their games bachelor on Google Stadia. If yous are not aware, Google Stadia runs on a Linux server. So if you connect the dots, well-nigh games bachelor on Stadia will run fine on Linux likewise due to direct porting past the studios. And that'due south why the listing of games under the SteamOS + Linux section is increasing day by twenty-four hour period.

Other than that, Steam brought something called Proton in 2018 which basically allows you lot to play Windows games on Linux without VMware or any virtual machine. Essentially, Proton is a compatibility layer (a modified version of Wine) between Windows and Linux. It translates the Windows DirectX API to Vulkan or OpenGL API on Linux in existent-time. Then you get amazing operation without much friction. Surprisingly, the Windows games run absolutely fine and you lot can check the compatibility status of many Windows games on ProtonDB.

To enable Proton on Steam, go to Settings -> Steam Play and enable all the toggles under the Steam Play menu. In case the selection is not available, yous may have to update to Steam Beta.

List of Best Linux Games in 2020

1. Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Counter Strike is one of the best Linux games in this listing mainly because CS:GO has been natively adult for this open up-source platform. The multiplayer shooter game runs perfectly fine with all the controls and top-notch graphics quality. If you are not aware, CS:Go is an objective-based multiplayer shooter featuring two opposing teams, the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists. Depending on the game mode, the teams must fulfill various goals – for example, in the Classic mode, it'due south either defusing a flop or saving hostages. There are other mods such as Arms Race or Demolition and you can also play confronting AI-controlled opponents.

1. Counter Strike Global Offensive Best Linux Games

Availability: Steam ($xiv.99)

2. DOTA ii

Dota two is some other Linux game that runs amazing and without any hiccups on any Linux distro. You tin can play this online multiplayer game out of the box as it's developed natively for Linux and other systems. No need to install whatsoever drivers or configure the settings. And the best office is that Dota two is a free-to-play championship, bachelor exclusively on Steam. Despite its loftier learning curve, information technology's one of the most popular titles in the genre, numbering as many equally 800,000 players daily, which makes it the well-nigh actively played game on Steam. The gameplay consists of ii v-player teams trying to destroy other's stronghold and collecting items to help them in this quest.

2. DOTA 2

Availability: Steam (Gratuitous to play)

3. Rocket League

Rocket League is my favorite game on Linux because of 2 reasons. It's available natively just like CS:Get and DOTA ii so the gaming functioning is first-class. And 2d is its physics-driven approach to the game. It's basically a soccer game, but yous volition have to play with cars. Yeah, it'southward unusual only that'southward what makes information technology 1 of the best Linux games in this list. The controls are fluid and like shooting fish in a barrel to understand and you can compete with other online players too. There are also modes in which you can play hockey and basketball with your car. Overall, Rocket League is action-packed and you should definitely play this game on your Linux automobile.

3. Rocket League Best Linux Games

Availability: Steam ($nineteen.99)

four. The Witcher 3

Currently, Witcher three is ane of the most popular desktop games which is available on Windows and Google Stadia. But what if I tell yous that yous tin play Witcher iii on Linux too? Well, with Proton support on Steam, you can play Witcher 3 on Linux without much friction. ProtonDB, a user-driven database that tracks the status of Windows game compatibility on Linux, has awarded Platinum status to Witcher 3. It essentially means that you tin can play this game without much issue if you have a decently powerful machine. However, you may accept to update your graphics driver manually. As for the game, it's about a fantasy earth where you are tasked to discover a kid of prophecy who can save the globe.

4. The Witcher 3

Availability: Steam ($39.99)

5. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is another audacious game that is fully uniform with Steam on Linux. It runs on almost all of the Linux distros, simply Manjaro and Pop OS provide the all-time gameplay experience. Talking about the game, it revolves around a female warrior who forges herself to go the Tomb Raider. The game takes yous through the unforgiving jungle where y'all accept to face up the deadliest animals and observe a way to survive. Along the way, you lot will acquire many skills, garner weapons, and outfits that will eventually pb y'all to the defining moment.

5. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition

Availability: Steam (Free Trial, $59.36)

half dozen. Team Fortress 2

Before the Steam support on Linux, Squad Fortress 2 was one of those rare games that used to run like a charm on any Linux distro. And now, it's better than always before. The game runs natively and has no operation issues at all. Even after these many years, Team Fortress 2 withal gets updates for maps, game modes, and equipment. Moving to the game, it's a multiplayer first-person shooter game where y'all can bring together as many as nine classes to develop your grapheme. Afterward that, you volition be part of the combat team who will go along a mission to capture the flag or become the king of the hill. It'due south a thrilling Linux game and you should not requite it a miss.

6. Team Fortress 2 Best Linux Games

Availability: Steam (Gratis to Play)

vii. League of Legends

League of Legends is one of the most popular free-to-play games on Mac and Windows. Now, with Lutris and DIVX support, you tin can play this multiplayer online battle arena game on your Linux machine as well. It runs pretty well on Linux distros, but you will need a powerful machine with dedicated graphics. As for the game, hither y'all take the role of a champion having powerful abilities and keep a quest confronting other champions controlled by the computer or other online players. You need to find and destroy a defensive structure where your opponent'south ability resides through discrete maps and weapons which yous volition find along the style. All in all, League of Legends does not demand much introduction on the gaming forepart, but you should know that you tin can play this amazing game on Linux now.

7. League of Legends Best Linux Games

Availability: Lutris (Free to Play)

8. Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley is one of the top-ranking games on Steam and thankfully, it runs fine on Linux likewise. If you don't know, Stardew Valley is an RPG game that is likewise very much like Minecraft due to its open up-concluded world. Here, you need to apply your mind and create a strategy to survive the farm life. Sure, the game has linear gameplay unlike other graphics-intensive games, but it takes simulation to a whole new level and expands on it. The game offers a fantasy world where you tin grow crops, raise poultry, and perform many household duties. Simply put, Stardew Valley is ranked among the best simulation games and you should requite it a try on your Linux machine.

8. Stardew Valley

Availability: Steam ($14.99)

9. Doom

While there are many slap-up first-person shooter games, the reason I am mentioning Doom in this list is considering information technology runs perfectly fine on Linux machines. Despite the game has been developed for Windows, it runs using the Proton feature on Steam. The Proton layer translates the Windows graphics API in real-time so information technology runs flawlessly on Linux distros. Apart from that, the game is quite intense and brutal with gory characters and subversive guns. In the unmarried-histrion game, you can fight against the demon hordes in hell to free yourself. There is also a multiplayer mode where you tin compete against your online friends. To conclude, if y'all are looking for an FPS game that runs on Linux without any hiccup, go for Doom.

9. Doom Best Linux Games

Availability: Steam ($19.99)

10. Xonotic

Xonotic is an open-source FPS game that is natively available on Linux then no bug on the functioning front. Talking most the game, if you remember Unreal Tournament from the yesteryear days, it's something like that. It features what yous'd expect from a start-person shooter game: many different weapons with alternate firing weapons and a agglomeration of modes and maps. At that place are too some novel twists like laser jumping and wall lasering. Like almost complimentary Linux games, it's very configurable and you tin choose your outfit and equipment. Although there are many arena shooters for Linux, Xonotic stands out for its frequent updates, high level of polish and an active user base.

10. Xonotic

Download from its Website (Free)

eleven. Hitman

Hitman is undisputedly one of the most pop PC games in the world. Withal, Steam has made certain to bring the Hitman serial on Linux systems besides. With SteamOS+Linux and Proton, yous tin can most become the same gaming experience on your Linux distro too. However, make sure to update your graphics driver or only motion to Manjaro or Popular Os. Also, talking about the game, here yous play as Agent 47 who goes on to go the principal assassin. Yous can travel around the world and kill your targets with poise– from a burglarize to an exploding golf ball. It all depends on your strategic skill. So, if you dearest playing underworld Agents, Hitman is the game y'all should play on your Linux car.

11. Hitman Best Linux Games

Availability: Steam (Gratis Trial, $59.11)

12. Robocraft

Robocraft is a game that quickly rose to popularity considering of its insane graphics performance on Linux distros. Earlier it was bachelor every bit a standalone Linux game, just now you can play Robocraft through Steam free of charge. The game allows you to build a robot vehicle that tin exist used to fly, drive, walk and swim. Along the way, you will have to collect futuristic weapons and make your vehicle as powerful as you can. The game gets actually interesting when you lot face up robot vehicles from other planets. Overall, Robocraft is a powerful and graphics-rich Linux game and yous should definitely not miss it.

12. Robocraft

Availability: Steam (Free to Play)

thirteen. Battle for Wesnoth

When Steam was not available on Linux, open-source games similar Battle for Wesnoth were a hitting among the Linux users. However, even later these many years, this wonderful fantasy game still makes its fashion to the list of best Linux games and deservedly so. Its familiar fantasy setting, sixteen races and hundreds of unit types will keep you busy for a long time. In one case you've finished the unmarried-player campaigns, you can set off into multiplayer lands, both local (hotseat) and online. The gameplay could be described as a mix of Heroes of Might & Magic and Burn down Keepsake, and fans of either will likely find Wesnoth very appealing. It comes with a map editor, so players tin create their own maps and scenarios.

13. Battle for Wesnoth Best Linux Games

Availability:Steam (Free)

14. SuperTuxKart

SuperTuxKart is a popular kart racing game in the Linux ecosystem which is open up-source and completely free. The game is very similar to Mario Kart and Wacky Wheels. It's a 3D game and features various FOSS mascots as characters. You lot can play every bit Tux, GNU, the PHP elephant or the BSD daemon. The game has over 20 tracks, one-half-dozen game modes including a split-screen multiplayer way. New content is frequently added – the latest release brought a couple of new characters, AI fashion, a separate K Prix mode, and significant graphical improvements. All in all, if you desire a little fun game on Linux, SuperTuxKart will non disappoint you.

14. SuperTuxKart

Download from SourceForge (Free)

15. Minetest

Minetest is our final Linux game in this listing. Information technology's an open-source game natively developed for Linux systems. It's strikingly similar to Minecraft and other sandboxing games where you have an open world full of various types of blocks. Yous tin create your own voxel blocks in a three-dimensional world and you can also destroy the structures. The game allows you to utilise many mods and texture packs to personalize your world. Not to mention, there is crafting, fuels, nutrient and a lot to discover in this game. And then if y'all desire to play Minecraft like game on Linux then Minetest would be the perfect alternative.

15. Minetest Best Linux Games

Download from its Website (Free)

Best Linux Games on Steam and Lutris Ranked For Y'all

So those are our picks for the best Linux games you lot can play in 2020. To be frank, there are many more games that tin exist added to the list as Linux has recently got huge back up from Steam and Lutris. However, if you lot want to explore yourself, you can get through the list of best Linux games from these corresponding websites: Steam and Lutris. Anyway, that is all from us. Merely what almost you lot? Which one is your favorite Linux game? Do comment down below and allow u.s. know.


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